The Rum Queen suffers poetic justice...
In the earlier days of The Project, we often referred to "The Big Four" - The Preacher, The Baddassitor of Rum, the Burr Brothers and not least... The Rum Queen (TRQ).
At that time the original promoter of rumfests was The Rum Queen. The big news then was how the Preacher was engaged by her to manage her rum competition, which allegedly went quite well until these two ended up using low tech communications - in writing, and in court.
When we were invited to be judges, it was then Big Burr's turn to infiltrate her event, and gladhand the distillers with the now apparent notion of putting on his own fest - today's Rum Renaissance in Miami (which in turn was infiltrated by the Artic Wonder).
Reminds me of when Pooh and Tigger were following footsteps around and around a tree exclaiming how more and more other creatures seemed to be joining the pack. That's the world of rogue rum, as it is.
The Rum Queen, rest in peace...
But it's all over now. The Rum Queen was once the hottest thing going, promoting both rum and tequila all over the country. No other promoter, including the Preacher, came close.
She even proseletized Sue Sea into "co-promoting" a Rum Fest in Fort Lauderdale, but then proceeded to break promises until Sue Sea had quite enough and sent the Ice Queen packing. Perhaps the Preacher's suit was justified after all.
It was not long thereafter that her website announced that she'd sold out to a large promotion company, and her Rumfest's ended. The last real fest was in March of 2010, with a small event in San Francisco in September of that year. As for 2011...
Nada. And coming up? Ibid. Rest in peace my queen. Turnabout sucks, you betcha...
RIP: The Rum Queen
- Capn Jimbo
- Rum Evangelisti and Compleat Idiot
- Posts: 3550
- Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:53 pm
- Location: Paradise: Fort Lauderdale of course...
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