STFU Department: Capn takes his leave...

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Capn Jimbo
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STFU Department: Capn takes his leave...

Post by Capn Jimbo »

Bout time...

At one time my obsession was kayaking and kayak design which led to a well known website and a number of free sponsored kayaking get togethers I called Yak-In's. Non-commercial but for several years up to 60 or so member kayakers and their families attended these free get togethers for a day of sun, fun, kayaking and fishing in the Keys, ending with a great picnic and cooking our catch of the day.

Many wonderful friendships ensued and have continued to this day.

At the main website, kayaks and designs, paddling and techniques were covered in depth. Like rum, there are many myths which were dutifully exploded. Honest reviews and advice in re kayaking and kayak fishing were posted to counter the manufacturer's monkeyshit hype. Still, at a point I decided there was only so much to say about the subject, which truly is not nuclear science.

So I kept the site up for newbies as a good resource, but basicly took my leave. There was only so much to say about a limited subject and it was said.

The same is true for rogue rum...

It's been an interesting 8 or 9 years or so, and honestly what more is there to say? Not much. Rum is dying and unlike beer, there are a but a handful of truly creative small or micro distillers. Instead we have a gaggle of ADI-influenced hopefuls who really should know better, but knowingly or not, have decided to take the "fast everything" route in a vain attempt to duplicate fine and long aged spirits in a few months. These bozos offer neither real quality, complexity or hope. Rum is dying, and there is little reason to comment any further. It's just too depressing. The trends are all in the negative.

Accordingly, I'm taking my leave - to a point - and leave the rum lovers of the world to fend for themselves or to follow the Frozen Wonder and the Preacher, perhaps even attend the annual Death of Rum Fest in Miami at least until rising sea levels eliminate south Florida.

Whether that's great news or not... clearly up to you. I have nothing but great admiration for the posters who added so much intelligent and valued content here, so out of deep respect for all of you, the Project will be left up and in your capable hands. Expect me to comment here and there, but after literally thousands of hours in writing, research and attempts to organize and inspire others to speak out and fight the good fight, its fair to say I've done my best and my part. Please know that I have important issues to attend, not least Sue Sea and her long road to recovery.

Keep calm and carry on...
Last edited by Capn Jimbo on Sat May 03, 2014 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dai »

Sue Sea being the most important part of your life I understand where your coming from. I'll be sorry to see your departure (for now at least). It's been fun even though we don't see eye to eye on some issues but, that's people for you. I'd like to wish you and Sue Sea all the very best in what ever adventure is next on your horizons.

Might as well ask what is to become of the forum?

Capn's Log: to clarify, out of respect for you and the other regular posters - who have all contributed so much, and also because of the amazing content here, the forum will be left up for all. I will surely comment now and again, but not as before.
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Post by sleepy »


Huge thanks to you and Sue - you have done outstanding work here and it is deeply appreciated.

May your path ahead be clear, interesting and wend its way to success in whatever is next. Good luck and good rum to both of you!
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Post by da'rum »

I think that's a good move Jimbo. Swimming against the tide of complacency and sugared rubbish can only get tiring after a while.

See you around the traps.
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Post by Guevara88 »

Farewell and good luck! My short time at the project was very informative and entertaining to this day and I am happy that you decided to keep it online and return for sporadic wise commentaries.

All the best!
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