American IB dept - Smooth Ambler Revelation rum

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Capn Jimbo
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Post by Capn Jimbo »

Little's hissy fit aside...

As for me, I won't post the exchange of emails with both John's, out of a expressed respect for them that apparently was not mutual, lol. Chip Tate in disguise? Basta.

My email (bottom third of first page) speaks for itself. I had withheld the Smooth Ambler registration approval until my email was answered (it never was), ergo the faux registration of the seemingly thin skinned "Artful Dodger", with an eye toward slipping onto the forum to finally answer these very legitimate questions - but oh - only after pissing in our lovely little pool. The email quoted was never received by me, and does not appear in either my trash or spam file (which far predate this alleged mail).

Among other things (detailed pleas and rationale for providing detail, or at least refusing same), I notified Little that I had received no response and would he kindly resend any answers. He refused, I withheld registration of "Smooth Ambler" and voila - "The Artful Dodger" appears! Justifying his faux claim of being called a "liar"? Who knows? Not me.

But he's here now, and I'm sure we all look forward to asking him questions. Welcome "Artful", you lying son of a female doggie, lol, no matter how you snuck in. Just kidding, just kidding. Kind of. I actually admire your deviousness and low hanging cajones. Next time use the front door - and the pool is now off limits.

Back to uh, detail

I will say that I spent considerable time advising Little privately that unlike his mainstays - bourbon and rye - which are relatively pure and honest - that the world of rum is quite different. As an example I pointed out the Zacapa "23 anos" fiasco. I emphasized that I had publicly promoted the integrity and transparency of SA here (earlier in this thread), had stated here that they had a good reputation, et al, and that I hoped he would be equally forthcoming insofar as their rum. I stated their rum had great potential, a potential winner, and represented an incredible value - but only if more completely described.

I made clear specifically that I was not accusing his rum of anything negative short of lack of detali, but that right or wrong, his NAS issue would unavoidably be compared to those many "premium" rums like Zacapa - rums that not only misrepresented age, but added copious amounts of sugar. I pointed out that over half of the rums tested by Finland et al had been secretly sugared. I noted Diplomatico and ED15 as additional examples. I pointed out that a 24-28 year old rum at $60-90 was an incredible deal when compared to say Appleton 21 at $130 or the 30 at $600 - but that this exceptionally low price would surely raise eyebrows, particularly sans justifying detail.

I emphasized that here at the Project we were huge fans of small and craft distillers, and tried to reassure him that I was on his side, but pled for detail so that I could honestly promote this rum.

My point to Little that was that in view of this new-to-him world of rogue rum, that any older or independent bottling really needed as much detail as possible, that the other old and respected indies tended to do this and that his sales could only benefit from doing so, and finally that doing so would add credibility.

I made clear that the issue arose only when one of our members had been told by a rep that the sources were Appleton (distilled 1990) and Monymusk (1980's), noting too that at least one national retailer - Aston Wines & Spirits of NYC - was both quoting Little and naming these allegedly unnameable sources.
"After coming across two old stocks of rum from two of the top distilleries in the Caribbean, John Little knew he couldn't let them pass through his fingertips. Instead, he bought them both, blended them together, and created one of the best rums we've had in years. The two rums both hail from Jamaica. The "younger" is a 1990 distilled Appleton and the older is the rarely seen Moneymusk from the 1980s. " ... arch=33325

Nonetheless, no good deed goes unpunished.

Ergo my first questions to the Dodger:

1. If the sources cannot be named, how is it that our member alleges to hear then from a rep, and especially why do you allow Astor Wines to openly publish the above? Will you insist they change their ad copy?

2. If the youngest rum is 23 years - a terrific claim - why in heavens does that not appear on the label?

3. Why was your website listing of Revelation nearly devoid of the detail you have now finally provided? And last...

4. Do you plan to publish more detail on your website or label as a result of our romantic getaway?

Again, welcome to the Hotel California...
The Artful Drinker
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Post by The Artful Drinker »

I didn't sneak in anywhere, Jimbo. You invited us, earlier in the thread, to appear here for comment.

And you will find that I have been registered at and Reddit as "The Artful Drinker", and associated in both places with Smooth Ambler, for a long time now.
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Post by The Artful Drinker »

And now answers:

1. I am not certain where these proposed provenances came from. We are often misquoted, just as the readily available info on the sourced and housemade products, despite our best efforts to the contrary, are often muddlied in the marketplace. Old Scout is often said to have been made my LDI, it wasn't. Yearling is said to be from small barrels, it isn't. I'm often described as our Master Distiller, I'm not. I have no more control over what a rep or retailer chooses to say about SA than I can influence who they sell it to. I have asked Astor to remove the description, as since I cannot confirm or deny any "best guess" distillery of origin, no matter which it may be, for anyone to name any at all is frustrating and misleading, but not intentionally so. Not by us, and certainly not by our friends at Astor.

2. Since it is a blend of two rums, we were trying to find an interesting and different way to describe the age of the youngest one. As JL points out, in hindsight, we chose poorly, perhaps, not being as familiar with the expectations of rum aficionados and not surveying the marketplace. Unforgivable by you, perhaps, but an honest, rookie misfire.

3. Laziness on my part (I write the copy for both bottle and website alike) mixed with an under-awareness that anybody would honestly give a shit.

4. Yes. While I would have preferred to have this conversation on friendlier terms, you've brought up some points that I will address.

For me this is personal, so I bring up now a note about the reference to the Blue Ridge mountains. Again, I write the words that appear on our bottles. And while we are not in the Blue Ridge mountains, they and the Shenandoah Valley are about an hour from us. Yes, I took poetic license and romanticized the connection between the Blue Mountains and the Blue Ridge. I grew up in Waynesboro, Virginia at the base of Afton Mountain and having lived there more than half my life, I am a product of those mountains and that valley. I wasn't trying to be disingenuous, I saw a chance to give a little love to my hometown on a bottle of spirits my company sells, and if that rubs God and anybody the wrong way, you're just gonna have to live with being disappointed in me.
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Capn Jimbo
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Post by Capn Jimbo »

We'll agree to disagree...

John, thanks for your kind response, but to be fair:

My first email, the 25th, initial questions:
"As you should be aware the respected independents in Scotland and Italy for example, are well aware that these kind of details are demanded by buyers of such sourced products, and indeed actually do help sell these
(particularly at the premium prices asked). Yet your website says almost nothing about the Revelation.

So we ask:
1. Who is/are the distillers?
Artful claims a response the same with answers per email on the 25th, yet... not received. So on the next day:

Second email, on the 26th ("Smooth Ambler" registers)"
"If you will be so kind as to do us the courtesy of responding to our email with your answers to our questions, we'll be happy to then approve your registration so that you can participate as you wish now or later."
Still no answers received, so two days later:

Third email, the 28th
"Now allow me to be personal. I have taken great care to communicate and to speak publicly of your company with great respect, and have promoted the notion that your spokesmen are respected for their transparency and willingness to discuss your bourbons and ryes. Winston has seconded that, good on you.

But the idea that you can ignore my email, yet expect to be approved for the website and to post there is well, bizarre. Capish? I expect to be treated with the same respect and forthrightness as I have gladly given to you and which we both deserve. Thus, if you would be so kind as to extend me the equal courtesy of a reasonable reply to my email; upon receipt I will be happy to approve your registration to our very selective forum where you may then post freely - and - we will become close and intimate friends once again, lol."
John Little responds, accuses me of disrespect, again claims answers were sent on the 25th, but fails to resend them. So:

A final plea, later on the 28th:
" have an excellent reputation for transparency and responsiveness: as do I, and I simply asked for data commonly requested and respected by spirits afficianados. You felt disrepected by the emails; I felt disrespected as stated, and again via your current reply. Time to get our bad hair done, meet you at the salon."

It is important that you know I didn't receive any responses, checked inbox, trash and spam. Kindly resend."
Importantly, the above were sent to both John's, Little and the instant Foster, both of SA. John Little then declined to continue, still did not resend the requested answers, declined to proceed and we wished one another well.

Through all of this "Smooth Ambler" registration remained unapproved, and was inaccessible. Yet only after all the above a second registration - Artful - making no references whatever to SA in the signature or interests, and using his own private email was made, and was unknowingly approved by me.

I am a man of my word. No answers, no approval. But seriously, who cares, really. Let's just call it a misunderstanding. What's important is that Artful is here and has graciously agreed to honestly answer our questions. I am glad to have finally gotten the answers to the original questions posed on the 25th, seen for the first time here by all of us, posted by John/Artful.

Thank you.

Back to business

(Taking a breath). My, my, I haven't had to defend myself to this extent since my second divorce, lol. But thankfully gentlemen can disagree and our positions are now clear. I'm sure John (Foster) - The Artful Drinker and representative of Smooth Ambler - and I both would prefer to stick to the questions and answers, as promised.

John/Artful/Smooth Ambler, will you please address the questions posed above?
1. If the sources cannot be named, how is it that our member alleges to hear then from a rep, and especially why do you allow Astor Wines to openly publish the above? Will you insist they change their ad copy?

2. If the youngest rum is 23 years - a terrific claim - why in heavens does that not appear on the label?

3. Why was your website listing of Revelation nearly devoid of the detail you have now finally provided? And last...

4. Do you plan to publish more detail on your website or label as a result of our romantic getaway?


Addenda: Artful and I are both fast draw artists, and our posts obviously flew past one another through the net. I was following up my earlier questions, while he was answering them. He was clearly the faster draw. The questions posed were answered (above) as I was posting the above, my sincere thanks.

He is a man of his word.
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Post by bearmark »

Since this has been quite a personal exchange, I'd like to offer my personal welcome to John Foster, The Artful Drinker. I just want to say that I really like your responses... even your honoring of your home with the references on your bottle. By the way, I also use this same name, bearmark, on StraightBourbon forums.

Thank you for registering and representing Smooth Ambler and for providing the detailed, even personal, responses to the questions from the Cap'n for all of us to benefit from. I'm a huge fan of your Old Scout line and now I'm looking forward to more experience with Revelation Rum (just purchased last week).

One question... if Old Scout isn't LDI/MGPI/Seagrams juice, then can you say where it's sourced from? Also (I guess that makes two questions), can you address the Old Scout rye shortage, how long you expect that to last, and how it will impact the makeup of your Rye offerings when they return?

Thanks and, again, welcome to our humble forum!
Mark Hébert
Rum References: Flor de Caña 18 (Demeraran), The Scarlet Ibis (Trinidadian), R.L. Seale 10 (Barbadian), Appleton Extra (Jamaican), Ron Abuelo 12 (Cuban), Barbancourt 5-Star (Agricole)
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Post by The Artful Drinker »

Hey Mark! Thanks for supporting us. I hope you enjoy the rum when you get a chance to pour a dram.

Lemme drop back and punt on the Old Scout a little. It WAS made by Seagrams in Lawrencenburg. And therefore pre-dates LDI, since that entity didn't exist there when our whiskey was made. A very small technical difference, admittedly. At times we point it out though because some people have the tendency to say that anything from Indiana is "just LDI juice". Technically ours was made by Seagrams under the supervision of a different master distiller than they currently have. I brought it up earlier only as an example that often the marketplace is not so good with the details.

As for the rye, we are actively seeking additional stores, and when we acquire more, we will resume production on OSR. Until then, though, instead of just blazing through our remaining barrels we'll do a limited release each year. (Or whenever we feel like it.)
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Capn Jimbo
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Post by Capn Jimbo »

All said and done...

I too appreciate John's forthrightness. There is absolutely nothing like transparency and detail - sadly missing in the world of rogue rum.

It is clear to me now that Revelation Rum is certainly older than it's youngest component of 23 years. At the discounted prices I see at around $60 or so, this rum is absolutely a must buy, and must buy right now.

First of all, there is no such thing as a bad Jamaican rum. Secondly even low esters from Jamaica are way more complex than any other style, period. Add to that the amazing age, the this rum seems the winner I suspected it might be, now confirmed by the details we now finally know.

I urge all to review Mama's review on page 1 of this thread, correct except for the column component (not crucial). Another review well worth reading: ... um-review/

Thanks again to John/Artful for the info. At $60, I want one.
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Post by mamajuana »

If you can't find it in your location Capn, I would suggest Binny's or Astor wines, I order from them frequently, Binny's just started shipping liquor again after about 4 months not shipping and have lots of other extra rums to choose from. Mission liquors also offers this a bit cheaper than the former two but had a longer order time than the others and phone calls and re-providing debit card info prior to delivery mostly due to my suspicion of my massive expensive rum orders, almost a week to initiate the charge, they also offer a massive selection of other rums. Astor packages the best and has a massive selection also to choose all ship to FL apparently. I ordered from Astor over a Dozen times many bottles with no issues at all and they offer 15% off rums at times, they also have a great staff to speak with over the phone or via e-mail, and I have my rums a day or two later.

I may have to do a visit to SA when the two new double aged rums are released its not terribly far from NY have not decided on car or plane yet though. Apparently the plane trip and then a trip to SA takes an hour less then just driving. Hopefully SA will inform us when these are about to be released. Maybe we could make the release a rumproject trip with other members. I suggest this as I believe personally this will be the best rum American rum release that I can think of, especially as I think another year in their barrels will as much depth and flavor, I can imagine the intense butterscotch on the Bourbon barrel offering already. Just make sure these bourbon barrels are on the top of the ricks at the distillery.
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Capn Jimbo
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Post by Capn Jimbo »

Good idea Mama, I can't accompany you, as I refuse to go any farther north than Pompano Beach, Florida, but I might consider being part of a group purchase. Unfortunately at $70 plus about $16 shipping = $86 from Astor, out of my price range for now - though I note that first time orders of $99 or more ship free.

More questions to John

John as I mentioned in one of emails, bulk rums from Jamaica are usually classed and sold by esters, specifically:
Common Cleans (80-150 esters, light and floral), Plummers (150-200 esters, light and fruity), Wedderburns (200+, deep fruity, heavy bodied and pungent) and last Continental Flavored/High Ester (500-1700 esters, by far the most pungent, acetones). Where a Plummer might be fermented for 2 days, a Continental might take 5-10 days, or many, many more...
1. For example Smith & Cross is a equal blend of Plummers and Wedderburns. Your column still component was described as "extra light", the pot still as "light". What classes are they?

2. Second, can you speak to the fermentation of each of them? Thanks...
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Post by The Artful Drinker »

I'm not certain but I'll see what I can find out.
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Post by mamajuana »

While there is documented and mass produced Rye doubled aged in used rum casks, there is little to no information about rum aged further in fresh rye casks. This proves to be a very interesting release on many levels.
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Post by AK9 »

Sounds very interesting!
Ordered a sample of it and quite keen to taste it.
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