Not on my watch Dept: The Rum Trader

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Capn Jimbo
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Not on my watch Dept: The Rum Trader

Post by Capn Jimbo »

Lately, we've had another burst of new registrants...

...among them, The Rum Trader (free plug):

Most of you know by now that I am VERY protective of our beloved group of regulars whose participation, contributions and competent posts are greatly appreciated, and whose participation has resulted in over half a million hits per month. We are - by far - the largest and most active free and independent rum website on the net.

Unlike most of the commercial and wannabee sites, we are interested in quality, and have no interest whatever in accepting any Harry, Dick and Tommy who washes in over the transom. All registrants receive a personal email from Moi, asking them to write back and relate just why they wish to join our crew.

Those who do quickly make their sincere interest known and are approved. But most - I repeat - most are turned down and ultimately deleted.

Today's Deletion: The Rum Trader, and why? The link is above, decide for yourself.
Blade Rummer
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Post by Blade Rummer »

After clicking on that link, I can totally understand your decision.

I mean, honestly, that garish orange background??? What is this, 1995?
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Capn Jimbo
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Post by Capn Jimbo »

To be fair, "Scott" of The Rum Trader responded to my respectful turndown...

My respectful email:
"Hi Scott...

Thanks for registering at the Rum Project, the largest free and completely independent rum forum, and review site on the net. Unfortunately I can't approve your registration, as it does not appear we are a good fit for you.

Good luck and fair winds...

Capn Jimbo"

Scott's mostly respectful reply:
"Capn Jimbo,

That's a bummer because based on your recommendation I ordered the supplies to start measuring the sugar content of my rum collection. I appreciate you posting what I would need.

Flat Ass Bottom Line

This can only happen if you participate. At this writing, already four of us have committed to this worthy project in just the first day. As all of our regulars pitch in, and results start being posted, you can be sure rum lovers everywhere will take note and join in. Remember, the world of rogue rum is a small one. Change is coming and coming much more quickly, thanks to Johnny Drejet and his tremendous breakthrough.

Please be part of the solution, or forever hold your peace...

I find it confusing that you invited people to join your project but yet you turned down someone who is interested in participating. Oh well, I can measure and gather my own results.

Thank you for your consideration,

Scott French "
Fair enough, but requiring a respectful response from Moi:
"Scott, thanks for your reply.

The Rum Project is a limited access website, and currently with over 5,000 informative and analytical posts - largely based on the fact that rogue rum - unlike true noble spirits like single malts, Irish whiskey, or say bourbon - are frequently altered with unlabelled adulterants and additives including: sugar, glycerol, cheap sherry, sugar, food caramel, artificial flavors and spices, and yet?

Are still labelled "rum". In legal fact they fall under the regulations for flavored rums. Although the Project suspected and first started noting this alteration over 8 years ago, it was not until last year when the ALKO and Swedish labs were able to confirm the added sugar. The real breakthrough - as you may know - was when Johnny Drejer finally was able to create a decentralized protocol for hydrometer testing (with the great assistance of Richard Seale of Barbados).

This method allowed testing with an estimated accuracy of plus or minus 1g of sugar (per liter) - which was quite accurate enough, inasmuch as many so called "rums" were laced with sugar of up to 41 grams/liter.

This included the Zee rums, the Pee rums and the Dee rums. Also outed was Ron Matusalem thanks to a decision in US Federal Court that revealed that this distiller admitted adding prune and vanilla extract (not to mention sugar).

Such unlabelled alteration is cheating; as per Richard Seale it is still widely done in an attempt to make cheap, column-stilled and/or young rums smoother, more palatable and seemingly older. This is a farce, especially when so-called premium rums are often the ones that use the most sugar. It is simply cheating.

Yet when I visited your site I found page after page of puff pieces that seemed to emerge out of distiller's ad copy and/or press releases. A scrupulous website analysis by Google found not one mention of the terms "alteration", "adulteration", "additives", "glycerol". Indeed the Rum Project, which is now - by far - the leading independent and non-commerical rum website on the net (with over half a million monthly hits) - the Rum Project and our huge body of work was not mentioned once. Our publication of over 450 sugar tests?

Nada. Scott, I do hope this puts things in perspective. As for your quote of me, please note that it addresses our regular posters - all of whom were personally selected for their competence, honesty and dedication to truth in labeling and aging, and a dedication to pure and honest rums.

Not one of them is opposed to the alteration of rum as long as it is admitted openly. As I once jokingly said, it's fine if the master distiller takes a leak in the barrel, as long as it's labelled, lol.

In closing Scott, I'm pleased that you bought the equipment - good news, and news to me. If you do test rums, we will be happy to add your tests to the master list (around 480 tests to date), which listing will promote your site. If you now start reporting added sugar (just check the master list), that will be a start. There are now three major rum sites who are now reporting sugar content - I hope you join them and us.

Seriously, Scott with your hundreds of articles I'm rather surprised that you have chosen to ignore the Rum Project, the Master Sugar List, the Petition to Save Caribbean Rum (which was signed by all manner of spirits authors, Beachbum Berry, Dave Broom, de Kergommeaux, even Bob Burr's wife). If you want to correct what is surely a major oversight, I would be happy to supply you with all the relevent data and projects which we have instituted or support.

In that case and at a point, we would surely reconsider your membership, on the premise that you have seen the sweet light and would join us in your concern.

Best regards,

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The Black Tot
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Post by The Black Tot »

Well said, Capn.
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