Coke: Do Canadians love it - or need it?

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Capn Jimbo
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Coke: Do Canadians love it - or need it?

Post by Capn Jimbo »

It all started with the Arctic Wolf...

For those of you who don't know, the Frozen One is the new, but amazingly prolific, kid on the block, hailing from north of the border. He reminds me of my father who opened a business in a very small town. When I later asked him why, he replied that he'd rather be a King in a lunatic asylum that just another nut on the corner of 42nd street and Broadway.

Wolfie's site has been well reviewed in this section except for one thing. I forgot to mention that part of his, uh, inventive tasting "method" (which he actually named the "Dykstra Method") involves tasting sipping rums with coke. With coke!

Honestly I couldn't imagine.

Well actually I could, but only if it was Trader Vic talking. I simply couldn't see it, particularly as this esoteric step is oddly missing from the tasting routines of just about everybody else. But I accepted his practice as a cute quirk.

But then it happened again?!

And this time by a really pretty impressive taster, Davin de Kergommeaux of Davin is one of the Malt Maniac gods to whom I willingly defer and prostate myself. I respect him. And to my amazement found that he too does a nip of Canadian whisky with coke (along with smelling the empty glasses the next day). The latter - which I used to do and actually enjoy - is akin to smelling your wife's panties.

It brings back the experience but really - it's not the same thing. But do feel free to send me a pair. And last butt, er but - I digress. Wolfie's predilection was easily dismissed, not so that of Malt Maniac Devin.

Meanwhile I'd gotten into yet another tiff with Wolfie over the concoction named "Canadian Whisky". CW is mostly a thin, column produced spirit, spiffed up with a little real whisky, flavorings and even wine (up to 10% wine and flavorings is allowed!). The Spam of Spirits.

But being the fair and equitable guy I am, I decided to give Canadian whiskey a try, and got a couple recommendations from Wolfie. Although light and tasty, these concoctions are a far cry from pure and unaltered spirits. They are mixtures.

Now like many people, when I get stumped I simply focus on the issue to the point of distraction, then let it go. If you're like me you may then find yourself at the urinal, or fast asleep, when POW! The answer comes to you like a 300 watt light being flashed in your face at an interrogation.

It's a Canadian thing!

Canadians simply love their faux whisky - the aforesaid Spam of Spirits - which is already a mixture of spirits, wines and flavorings. And mixing it with coke - our American Coca Cola - is both natural and expected. Maybe even necessary! Just like cheap, flavored and altered rums.

And that's the real story...
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