Note: I truly hesitate addressing this one, particularly because the paranoic Preacher may somehow infer my direct participation, which could not be further from the truth. Heaven to Preacher: I had nothing whatever to do with this poster. Leave the poor guy alone...
Lately the Shillery has become a truly boring website, featuring dumbass threads like "What did you drink today?" or "What's on your bar shelves?" and the like. B-o-r-i-n-g. This is what happens on a commercial website dominated by handful of insiders all of whom parrot the "'s all good" line.
But every once in awhile a rum innocent wanders into their midst and unknowingly drops a real bombshell...
Fantastic!un de Budel Rum: Hi, I have a bottle of the Pyrat XO for a few days now. The orange smell and taste is much stronger than I expected. I can hardly tast any caramel, vanilla, spicyness or anything else exept oranges in it. Does anybody know if this taste is achieved just by ageing and blending rums? Or do they add something like orange peel or something similar to give it this flavour?
Hard to believe that just rum, barrels and time can create such an orange taste.
As most of you know by now, I have long lamented the common use of unlabeled additives and flavorings to product "rum". The stinky elephant in the room. If only the Preacher had the cajones, I'd actually join the Shillery once again, if only to really have it out with the rep-tiles therein.
But now I don't have to.
This poor innocent has raised this embarassing question at the "'s all good" corral. Out of the mouths of babes. And what was the reaction? So far the insiders have audibly gulped and pretty much avoided this thread at all costs. It took another outsider, Ruminsky van Drunkenberg, to finally address the question...
Aha! But not much of an admission for anyone who has actually tasted Pyrat XO, so drippingly and thickly orangey sweet you can practically gag on it. Our innocent newcomer - now relieved that his impression is correct - now drops the bombshell!Ruminsky: Pyrat's does indeed use orange peel extract (or so I've read - I'd hate to think they're using an artificial additive).
Now this is the magic question, posed in the midst of the Preacher's professional "'s all good" butt buddies, especially the trusting Artic Malemute. A true bombshell too as the honest answer puts most of their products at risk for being rightfully doubted.un de Budel Rum: That's what I presumed.
The orange taste ist so strong that any other taste will be covered by that. One could get the idea, that they want to hide something behind this wall of orange flavour.
What I don't understand is, that it is sold as a "rum" without any additional information. It's not that I don't like it (sometimes it is nice), but when something is sold as "rum", I want a "rum" in the bottle. Not an orange flavoured rum.
Will they respond, or simply ignore this thread (keep in mind that nonchallenging dumbass threads seem to go on forever)? Will the Preacher shut down this thread, or "liberate" this poor innocent soul? Was it a mistake for me to draw attention to their dilemma?
Check it out (here). And Bjorn, if you want the real answer, it's this: sadly, due to distiller cheating, vague regulation and lax enforcement, it is all too common for products labeled "rum" to contain unlabeled flavorings and additives to "tweak" an otherwise unremarkable product.
But don't wait for the reps to tell you that...