Barstool Experts: Advise a newbie

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Capn Jimbo
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Barstool Experts: Advise a newbie

Post by Capn Jimbo »

May god have mercy, for they know not...

One of the primary reasons behind The Rum Project was to make rum appreciation accessible to the average idiot. Accordingly, the rudiments of an e-book was created at the main site, along with articles on the history and politics of rum, the basic rum styles, reference stands, a suggested beginner's collection, glasses and tasting techniques and the like.

Tons, I say TONS! of great information that really work and that is desperately needed by newbies in need of guidance. In contrast, let's see what the Barstool Exspurts of the Shillery offered one:
Newbie: "I live in vermont and there is not too much of a selection up here. I know I can order some nice rums from other sites but I am quite broke at the moment.

I really would like to develop a nice palate for rum tasting but I still cannot seem to get it all right. What would be your advice to help me be able to distinguish the distinct flavors of one rum to another. I cannot seem to distinguish all the little flavors from each other(cinnamon, caramel, etc.)

Does it really just come from tasting as many rums as possible or is there a little something extra I could do to help myself?"
I won't hold you in suspense. I defer to the Exspurts and their "advice":
Expurts: "read about it a bottle and try it....if you don't like it the first time....try again.....figure out your mood and go from there.....I have learned that alot of these rums are mood based...."

"It's like for painting, leave all those intricated descriptions to professionnal experts... Be a real Amateur and enjoy what you see or what you drink!"
Well that clears things up. For even this tiny dribble of drivel, the Newbie is thankful, but remains still confused...
Newbie: "thanks for the suggestions guys. I have been reading a lot of reviews on here (specifically arctic wolf's). I have been trying to match up all the flavors I taste on that rum with the review. Some I can see and others I can't but i suppose that has to do with my taste-buds vs the reviewers test buds."
And now you know a key source of his confusion: The Artic Wolf. And now you know why I spend so much time debunking myths, and faux reviewers. Could the Wolf's unusual palate - finding "bitterness" in more than half the rums reviewed - possibly, just possibly have something to do with the Newbie's confusion? Survey sez...

Sure. Only Ruminsky van Drunkenberg comes close by tossing out a truistic tidbit:
"Read as much as you can and taste as much as you can. Let the reading inform your tasting, even of the cheapo stuff."
In case you're waiting, that's it. All of it - no more advice. Tell me, do you think the intergalactically famous Shillery provided really useful advice to this begging Newbie? I think not. But how could they?

They simply don't know.
Cabin Boy
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Post by DEF »

What kills me is the kid says he is broke and the only suggestions other than mine are all over $33.00. I do like the way RvanD thinks.
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Capn Jimbo
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Post by Capn Jimbo »


As those who read this site well know, there are some truly great (and pure) rums for well under $33. Consider:

Barbancourt Five Star (about $20)
Ron Matusalem Gran Reserva 15 Year (about $24)
El Dorado 12 Year (about $22)
Appleton V/X (about $20, although I'd prefer the Extra at $32)
Doorly's XO (about $19) or Seales 10 (about $24)

You named two of these (Five Star and ED12), great.

This would cover the five styles to boot, and give the guy a real grounding in the basic rums for not much more than $100. And truth be told, I could name four or five very good, "best buy" rums that come in at under $15. And you wonder why the Shillery is so named...


Note: when we first started, there was no real discusssion of "styles" on the net, but particularly at the Shillery. Based on Dave Broom's observations in his terrific book "Rum", I promoted five basic styles (not countries of origin).

Bajan, Jamaican, Demeraran, Cane Juice and Cuban. These took into account differing profiles, but also reflected the history and development of the spirit. The Rum Project and the Forum were both based and organized on these divisions. They are essential for any real understanding and appreciation of rum.

This has been a hard slog, with thousands of hours expended in posts both here, at the main site and on the net-at-large. It is gratifying to finally see that "styles" are finally entering the lexicon, even at the Shillery, where my original notion was soundly rejected.

Like Donald Trump, I am really, really proud. This is a really, really, extremely big accomplishment. And I want to see the Preacher's birth certificate...
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