W.O Larsen Black Diamond

Pipes on the ships of old were nothing new. Tobacco and rum made their appearance in short order with tobacco inherited from American Indians and rum from the Caribbean. Smoking aboard ship was allowed by limited to a safe area and at safe times, ergo the "smoking lamp". Where? Usually near the Galley, as it is here. A huge thanks to the amazing da'rum - a man of high ideals and many talents. This is just one of them.
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Minor God
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W.O Larsen Black Diamond

Post by da'rum »

The write up;
A Black Cavendish with a brilliant, mild flavour. The best from Burley, Virginia and Orient Blattgut, specially broadly cut. A Black Cavendish, for a long time matured and black tobacco diamonds loosely pressed, provides for brilliant, mild flavour.
Black Cavendish, Burley, Oriental/Turkish, Virginia

Do I give a bad review of good tobacco because I don't like it?

This blend is dominated by the Cavendish with some Virginia notes to back it up. The Orientals are imperceptible, I didn't even know that there was Orientals in this blend until I read the write up.

The tin note is lovely, sweet herbal and toasted bread and honey. The cut is rough and annoying to pack. Moisture content is ok with only a short time needed to air out.

Initial smoke is pleasant and voluminous but lacking a certain backbone that I usually enjoy. Sort of like chewing a rice cake compared to beef jerky. Because of the cut and difficulty in packing lots of re lights are often needed, this is really detrimental to the quality of smoke. Relighting causes a reset in flavour profile build up and releases more cloying smoke than a continuous burn. The occasional relight is tolerable but too many become hard work.
The Cavendish is sweet mellow and bread/honey like there is a refreshing Virginia hay poking through but unfortunately it isn't pronounced enough for me. This blend is a slightly out of balance Cavendish bomb.

The tobaccos used are quality and this may be right for a Cavendish lover but for me the Cavendish becomes cloying and the relights annoying.

I am going to give this a few more bowls, trying different pipes and prep methods. I may even try giving the tobacco a quick spin in my herb grinder to see if I can get a better pack.

Only recommended for Cavendish fans.
in goes your eye out
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Capn Jimbo
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Post by Capn Jimbo »

A bit off topic, but...

I noted your herb grinding, what do you use and how do you use it? I ask because I decided to once again try Russ Oullette's Signature Magnum Opus, a Balkan that along with McClelland's Legend and Wilderness are considered the big three reemerging from the shadow of the legendary Balkan Sobranie.

The problem with the Opus: quite a few reviewers noted that unlike most blends which like to sell you water or PG, the Opus was "exceptionally dry". Some of these experienced pipers felt it necessary to rehydrate it. Since I don't know how, I didn't bother and packed what seemed a dry tobacco in my usual fashion, expecting a nice even smoke with few or no relights. The result?

Quite the opposite. I got so fackin tired of relighting a small bowl of it - at least fifteen or twenty times - that I came to the point that I just said "screw it"! I didn't care what the ratings were, the wonderful reputation, the glowing reviews and honestly, even a darn good taste. Enough was enough.

What I wanted was a slow, sippy smoke to be able to dissect and appreciate what is supposed to be quite a complex blend. WTF did I do wrong?
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Post by da'rum »

Rehydrating; get a bowls worth and cup it in your hands then breathe two or three tkmes through your hands and it should be perfect to smoke.

If the cut is the problem then try using scissors to lightly chop it. If that doesn't work then a herb grinder may. I have a rotating blade one that you see in all kitchen shops. A one second blast in that makes short work of tobacco. The problem with it and the reason I only use it as a last resort is it does create waste. Some tobacco inevitably gets powdered and unless you like to use it as snuff substitute then it is useless.
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Minor God
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Post by da'rum »

Ok, I give up. This is not a tobacco for me. I belong to a tobacco swap group on Facebook and I am going to put this up for grabs. It's just annoying.
in goes your eye out
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