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Drying tobacco and the DGT (technique)

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 8:23 am
by Capn Jimbo
Tongue burn well, burns...

I'm sure this is the one thing that no one wants, as it ruins the whole idea of pipe smoking. Although some blends are known to be challenging, I have learned that at least for me the BIG problem is being too much in a hurry to pack and light, ergo the tobacco is not dry enough, and the moisture/steam burns (and also transfers some nasty stuff).

Some apparently rub out their flakes, and leave the tobacco to dry for 10 to 20 minutes, and this helps. But there is another technique called DGT (Delayed Gratification Technique):

Worth a read for the particulars - you see DGT frequently mentioned on the net. I tried it and it does indeed work to both reduce burn and increase flavor...

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 12:39 pm
by da'rum
I do it often by sheer circumstance. My son being 4 months old has very little respect for Pappa's quiet time and seems oblivious to all attempts I make to explain to him that it's in his best intetests to give me an hours peace every now and then. So in his stubbornness he often makes me quit a pipe 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 the way through. It is often something trivial like he's choking or is starving to death, having eaten as long ago as an hour. So I put my pipe down and attend to the fun handbrakes needs. When the little prince releases me from his services I go back to the pipe I was smoking and often it will fire up and smoke well with good flavours. Sometimes it is washed out of flavour and has significantly degraded in quality. It's a hit and miss thing. I'd dry my tobacco properly rather than fill the pipe puff it a bit and come back later. After all how hard is it? Not hard at all.