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To each his own Dept: Why Piping is simply lovely...

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:47 pm
by Capn Jimbo
No kidding...

Let's face it. Smoking is perhaps - well actually - bad for you. But of the choices, certainly piping and cigars are the least risky. First of all, cigarettes could not possibly be any worse for you. What they call "cigarettes" are made from far more than ordinary, pure tobacco but contain an amazing number of intentionally addictive additives and other components that are absolutely dangerous and carcinogenic.

OTOH, pipe tobacco and cigars are relatively pure - like good rum - and in moderation anyway, are far less risky. The other big advantage of piping is cost. Interesting blends are simply endless, and the tobacco used are far less risky than the devil ciggies. The other advantage is selection of a simply amazing varieties of combinations of blends of various types that offer the piper immense numbers of choices of any number of taste and aromas, far more even than expensive cigars.

My personal favorites - after much experimentation - are those by Scandinavian, specifically BCA, HLP-6, and RGP which are three different, but highly related versions, with the BCA being the most aromatic, and with additions made by the RLP-6 and the HGP. Read the reviews for yourself at

For me, the Scandinavian company is VERY experienced, and demonstrate extremely sophisticated and skilled blending of some lovely blends, from aromatic to light Engligh blends as noted above. Very personal of course, as you may have your own favorites.

The poiint: it really doesn't matter much what type of pipe you use, as a nice Missouri Meerschaum cob is very affordable, are among the nicest smoking pipes made and are so inexpensive that it's easy to dedicate a pipe to each blend, if you wish.

Just some thoughts...

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:04 am
by Dai
I think you nailed it there Jimbo moderation is the key. Same goes for rum drinking.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:41 pm
by da'rum
I agree as well. Pipe smoking (or cigars for that matter) is cathartic. It stimulates the mind and calms the nerves. Many very intelligent and successful people waxed lyrically about the merits of puffing combined with contemplation.
ALL things must be done in moderation and in balance with your lifestyle. You can drink too much water so there's little in life that you can't have too much of.
Tobacco can be especially insidious as it causes damage slowly and over a very long time. Good tobacco is also very enjoyable and easy to over indulge. To enjoy pipe smoking whilst minimising harm and guilt requires a healthy diet and frequent exercise. If your life balance goes out of whack then there will be a price to pay in the long run.
So pipe smoking is excellent but not without risk that must be mitigated.
I love to puff away on my pipe and daydream in silence or read a book. Pipe smoking and paperwork go hand in hand as well. I don't often lunt as I don't get tobacco taste when I do. Pipe smoking for me is a sitting down affair.