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Review: Sutliff Dunhill My Mixture 965 Match

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 5:46 pm
by Capn Jimbo
Acquired: Sutliff Dunhill My Mixture 965 Match... Balkan/Scottish

...apparently designed to match the original Dunhill from quite some years ago (Orlik has taken over this blend) and according to Tobacco Reviews comes pretty darn close - perhaps a bit smoother or lighter and to some more than holds its own. Said to contain latakia, turkish/oriental, unflavored black cavendish and virginias. Some say the addition of cavendish makes it Scottish (rather than Balkan).

My review:
"Still relatively new to pipes, but not all that new. Call me an intermediate. English is an acquired taste like a good Islay single malt - Iove the latter and am beginning to love the former, especially in what I would call a Balkan, which this absolutely is. The lat and oriental are so beautifully balanced that one is tempted to almost call this oriental forward but it is not. Neither dominates but are actually synergistic with one another, with the latakia indeed adding woodsy tones to the oriental. The unflavored cavendish is credited with the smooth, slightly sweet and creamy smoke, which is just marvelous. There was sense of warmth and a touch of nuttiness as well.

Another reviewer called this blend pleasant and calming and I can assure you he is exactly right. What a completely lovely effect with the components all working together in great harmony. As Goldilock's porridge - not too hot, not too cold, just exactly right! Indeed until the bowl was done, the latakia did not become apparent until the aftertaste left behind. Lovely, simply lovely."
To be fair, I have finally "gotten" the notion of English, and especially the Balkans, of which I think this is exquisite. It is the first bowl of a fine tobacco that I was tempted to call so rewarding that I felt led to quickly refill and keep going. Brilliant, really.

Addendum: turns out that the original Dunhill 965 was taken over by Murray, and thence by the Scandinavian group. While tobaccoreviews shows two reviews, the scores and descriptions are consistent for all and with 0.1 in scores (3.1 vs 3.2).

Posted: Sun May 17, 2015 3:37 am
by da'rum
Welcome to the sweet campfire side of pipe tobaccos Luke.

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 2:05 pm
by Dai
One I tried recently is Peter Stokebye's balkan mixture I think it's the same as balkan supreme in the States just a different name over here (I could be wrong) but. anyway this stuff is good not much in the taste department that stands out but it's the smoking experience that I liked, very relaxing. Might be worth trying Jimbo it's pretty cheap in your neck of the woods.