Hello from SC. My name is Mike. I found this forum after visiting Capn Jimbo's main website from a Google search on how rum is made. Lots of great info! I am an avid home brewer and have been brewing beer for many years. I have made wine too but not in a long time.
I am interested in all kinds spirits and read everything I can get my hands on about them. I don't know much about rum, so I am delving into it to learn all about it. This site is a goldmine!
Thanks for a great website!
Hello from SC
Welcome. I'm new to the forum also, I joined just last week.
I'm a home brewer also, but I've fallen out of doing it for quite some time.
I'm a home brewer also, but I've fallen out of doing it for quite some time.
Rum newbie interested in experiencing what the world of rum has to offer.
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