What! where?
Those of you who run websites - simple or complex - know just how much work it is. If you don't make any money, you had better love what you do. As far as rum and kayaking go both are true labors of love.
I just completed a complete redo of the main site, and everything works.
Good on me. Now if you check it out your first impression may be "What changes? I don't see no steenkin changes!". You'd be right and you'd be wrong.
The changes are subtle. The website looks balanced and complete.
A list of all the rums known to mankind appear at the bottom of each page (I missed only a few thousand). Find a rum I haven't listed, and you may (I emphasize may), may receive a special prize. You will receive recognition however.
The real changes are all invisible. The site is now a table rather than a set of frames. Key words and clever tricks were played to increase robot detection and should increase our finds on Google, et al.
More changes are on the way, and I'll have em up anytime now. Real soon. Sure....
The Rum Project: A New Look
- Capn Jimbo
- Rum Evangelisti and Compleat Idiot
- Posts: 3550
- Joined: Mon Dec 11, 2006 3:53 pm
- Location: Paradise: Fort Lauderdale of course...
- Contact: